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I was attending a training class in Arkansas recently. One of the guys sitting next to me was telling me about this place out on Beaver Lake called Monte Ne. I was needless to say, very intrigued as he told me more about it. After class got done one evening, I hopped in the car and headed over, as it was only 10-15 minutes away.
Monte Ne was a resort area started in the early 1900s by a William "Coin" Harvey. I'll provide some links below for a lot more detail. I won't go into much here, as it's a long story. Suffice to say, the man built this resort. It included a beautiful hotel, a large log structure with a concrete tower on one end, and an Roman style outdoor ampitheater. It was on a small lagoon that had gondola boats to meet you at the train station and shuttle you to the hotel and ampitheater. It was a large scale operation.
Anyhow, funds dried up and the place eventually closed down. In the early 1960s, the Army Corps of Engineers dammed up the area and created a flood control reservoir. The ampitheater was completely submerged, as was a lot of the grounds. All that still stands is the large concrete tower, a fireplace chimney, a large concrete structure by the lake, and William "Coin" Harvey's tomb. The tomb was dragged to it's current location when the Army Corps cleared out all cemeteries in the flood area. In the last 40+ years, the ampitheater has surfaced on occasion when the water table drops enough. I was lucky enough to get a picture of just the top row. On some of the sites I link to below, you can see pictures of the ampitheater in the 60s and in recent "surface" years.
The worst part about this is all the grafitti and vandalism, but I guess that's to be expected with a place like this. Enjoy the pictures.
For more info, try these two links...
Monte Ne, Lost Resort of W. H. "Coin" HarveyUnderground Ozarks
GPS Coordinates
36° 17' 08" N
94° 04' 01" W

Stone falling through roof
Another view inside
Arches inside
Inside concrete building
Basement of "Oklahoma Row"
Basement of "Oklahoma Row"
Ampitheater pieces
Side view of tower
Another view of fireplace
Ampitheater pieces
Hole in ceiling to second floor
Looking up from outside
Another fireplace
Yet another fireplace
Lake behind the tower
Fireplace inside tower
Closer view of tower
Center entrance to ampitheater staircase
Nameplate on tomb
Tomb - Founder and his son
Rear view of tomb
Concrete building near lake
View of tower
Top wall of ampitheater
Top wall of ampitheater
Another view of top wall
Submerged ampitheater