148 photos in 7 sub-albums
One of my odd quirks... I enjoy visiting and taking photos of cemeteries. It started out of my desire to document my family genealogy. I also want to preserve graves whenever possible. Many older stones are beginning to break or worse, be vandalized. (How anyone can desecrate a grave by vandalizing it is beyond me) Whenever I'm doing research for myself or someone else, I always try and take a few pictures of the cemetery I've visited. I've grouped them according to states below. Click on a state to see the cemeteries I've visited there.
If you'd like to contact me about cemeteries or if you are looking for the grave of an ancestor in the central Ohio area, feel free to contact me. If I can help, I'll be glad to do whatever I can.

4 photos in 1 sub-album
10 photos in 1 sub-album
171 photos in 11 sub-albums
71 photos in 3 sub-albums
On a recent business trip to Dallas, I had some time in the evenings after my meetings to visit the more historic areas of downtown. There are four cemeteries all somewhat bounding each other in the uptown area. Greenwood, Calvary, Emanu-El, and Freedman's Cemeteries all date back to the Civil War era and contain a huge history of Dallas. I was able to visit all but Freedman's Cemetery before the sun set. I've included many of the pictures here for you. It's quite interesting as to how the cemeteries, though all in close proximity, maintained segregation. Greenwood was pretty much only for white Anglo-Saxon protestants. Calvary was a place of interment for European Catholics. Freedman's Cemetery was the final resting place for many Africans and African-Americans. And Emanu-El is one of the oldest Jewish burial grounds in Dallas.
If you are ever in the area, the Uptown Dallas tourism folks have an office right near the entrance to Greenwood Cemetery. They have a walking tour map that will take you through all four cemeteries and point you to many of the more historical landmarks. Their website is located at...
http://www.uptowndallas.net/explore-uptown/historical-sights -
19 photos in 1 sub-album
West Virginia
151 photos in 4 sub-albums